After the 2 attempts, i tried again today by baking a coffee chiffon cake. The result? it was perfect. So nice till i baked another one just now, at 12am so that i could let my mum try tomorrow. It has a perfect texture, flavour and colour!
For beginners, the chiffon cake may seem a bit intimidating but once u tried to do it, its really easy. That is why u can see a lot of chiffon recipes mushrooming up around the internet.
Coffee Chiffon Cake
(Adapted from: e's joie)
Make a 18cm chiffon mould

2 Egg yolks
20gm Castor sugar
20gm Corn oil (I only realized its 20ml in the original recipe when i type this. I put in 20gm and the cake still turn our well)
40gm Self raising flour
2 tbsp Instant coffee powder
30ml Milk
3 Egg whites
1/4 tsp Cream of tartar
50gm Castor Sugar
1. Warm up the milk and dissolve the instant coffee powder in it.
2. Using a hand whisk, whisk egg yolks and sugar till well mix.
3. Add in the coffee mixture and mix well.
4. Put in sifted flour (i sieve mine twice) into the mixture and mix till no lumps. The consistency now should be paste like.
5. Using an electric mixer, beat egg whites till soft foam. Add in cream of tartar and continue beating.
6. Add in sugar gradually and beat till stiff peaks.
7. Take 1/3 of the egg whites and fold into the egg yolks mixture with light strokes.
8. Fold in the rest of the egg whites mixture into mixture 7.
9. Pour batter into an UNGREASED chiffon cake tin. Bang the cake tin several times. U will see some air bubbles popping up.
10. Bake in a 150c oven for 25-30 minutes or till skewer comes out clean.
11. Invert the cake pan IMMEDIATELY after bringing out from the oven and let cool on a wire rack.
12. Un-mould and serve when cake is completely cool.
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